We use hash algorithms to make sure that an attachment is the one we directly provide to users and that it has not been maliciously changed by others. You may use a verification tool to see if an attachment’s hash value matches its hash verification code listed on this website (please remember to use SHA-256). Thank you.
序號 | 檔案名稱 | 雜湊值驗證碼 |
1 | 02_既設(已施設完成)應備文件_2023_0801_15924_4189.odt | EE78D9CCFE25A72507AC83DC69274D5976F6962208E12E1B518CD3FB2A2F4F43 |
2 | 02_既設(已施設完成)應備文件_2023_0801_15924_1809.docx | 61EA0C9CE8FFAF2199AFECD3C5E3E946A9B6EA425D3D03BFB45A578B5F0D2A73 |